Friday, December 17, 2010

The greatest gift

"The greatest gift that we can offer is to point others to [Jesus Christ] and eternal life" --President Eyring

Feliz Navidad!
How are you all doing? I hope the Christmas season is not too busy! It sure is crazy here on Temple Square!! Every single night is packed with people! It's soooo much fun! I'm bummed that I didn't get to see everyone from home that came! Hopefully you enjoyed the lights :) Well, where should I start?! Sister Wilson and I are getting along so well! She's such a hard working missionary with a love for our Savior-- a great example for me! We are having fun living in Gordon Place apartments (which has a ton of space!) We had a good time putting up lights in our living room while listening to David Archuleta's Christmas CD :) And Motab of course! : )

Teaching is going so well! Like I mentioned last week, we can teach people over the phone (the ones who referred on temple square, or the ones that members referred to us) until the missionaries make their first appointment with them. We've found out that in some missions, it takes months for the referral to get to them. And in other missions, it only takes a couple days. Some missions don't even receive them! So it's great that we get the chance to teach them and help them feel the Spirit during the "in-between" time. Once we know that the missionaries are visiting them, we call it an "Investigator Referral Confirmed" or an IRC. We received our first IRC last week! His name is Quincy and he's from New York! We're gonna call him next week to see how the visits are going. Hopefully he'll be our first baptism! :D How awesome is that!? We have a lot of new investigators and potential investigators. It is so great!

I forgot to mention last week that I'm the new ward organist!!! So crazy! I'd definitely rather be the pianist, but it's actually not as hard as I thought it would be :) YAY! We're having our Christmas program this Sunday, and I'm really excited about it! I'll give you some pictures of me at the organ when we had practice time this week :) President Hinckley's son joined us for sacrament meeting last Sunday, so it was a privilege to play for him.

Just yesterday I had an amazing experience! Last week, a member came to the square and we asked him if he knew anyone we could call and share the gospel with. He gave us the number of his friend, Tyler, who is in "alcoholics anonymous" with him! I was a little hesitant to give Tyler a call this week. But yesterday I felt like I needed to call him. So I did, and it was incredible! We talked and I got to know him a little bit. I then asked him about his religious background, but he had none. I asked him if he has faith in God or Jesus Christ, and he completely opened up to me and told me how he used to be completely addicted to alcohol and heroin. He was in the darkest part of his life and almost ended it, but felt like he should pray first. At that moment he felt an overwhelming love from God. He decided to give up all that he had become enslaved to and live a better life. With help from Above, Tyler was able to pull himself out of the deep hole that he was in. After a while, I introduced the Book of Mormon to him and promised him that it would bring him closer to God and Jesus Christ. He was amazed. He sincerely wanted to open it up and read it. So we're sending the missionaries over to Tyler, and we're teaching him over the phone this week! What a great and humble man!

There are miracles like that all the time. The Spirit is incredible here. God truly works through us and helps us say what his children need to hear. It's incredible how many people are searching for the truth but "know not where to find it." I'm honored to assist Him in this work.

Thank you all for your love and support and prayers. They're definitely needed! :) I love you and pray for you often! MERRY CHRISTMAS my loves!

Sister Rochelle Frogget

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