Monday, May 2, 2011

Buenos di­as mis amigos!

How are you all doing? Missionary life out here is absolutely amazing!!!! Sister Rust, Sister Steinbeigle (wow that's really hard to type lol) and I are such a great companionship- we're teaching well together, getting along with each other, and having a blast doing the Lord's work! We've gone through a lot already! I don't have much time today, but I'll give you some details of the week. Miracles still happen constantly. We've been singing songs with the elderly in nursing homes, teaching English to a Chinese family, tracting in the most fierce thunder and lightning storm that I've ever been in, washing mud off our feet, freezing in the cold weather, and dying of heat in 80 degree weather the next day (major sunburns... ouch!). The weather here is even more bipolar than in Utah! Plus humidity! As we've been going about doing the Lord's work, we have learned, laughed, grown, and felt the Spirit guiding us. I love being a missionary!

Last Thursday was a very interesting day, to say the least. We pretty much tracted the ENTIRE day. In the down-pouring rain. We were soaked, despite our umbrellas and rain boots. We knocked on door after door.... after door. People weren't home or weren't interested. We decided to say a prayer, since we had gone HOURS without finding anyone to teach. We continued, and still, no one was interested. "I'm all set" is what they all say LOL it's hilarious. It was about time to go home (don't you love these stories? lol), but we decided to knock on one more apartment complex. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining. We met a young woman named Mary. She had never stepped foot in a church before, but always wanted to find increased peace in her life and was really interested! She thanked us for being strong and knocking on all these doors, and thanked us for choosing her door to knock on. We are teaching her later tonight!! I'm SO excited!

That same night, we had an appointment with a less-active old lady in the ward: Sister Acosta. She's from Puerto Rico, and is in extremely bad health. Two bad legs, fractured knees, bad feet, a bad back, a really bad stomach, and a bad nervous system. She has some CRAZY stories. I'll have to tell you about it later. Anyway, she always has us do service for her, since she's still living alone. So we had already seen her 3 days before, but we set up an appointment to give her a spiritual message. The moment we walked in the door that night, we sensed something wrong. We turned around the corner, and she was on the kitchen floor, sitting in a complete mess of food, spilled liquids, and her own waste. It turns out that she had fallen right after we visited her on Monday night, and couldn't get up- so she stayed there for 3 days!!!!! She couldn't reach her phone, the bathroom, anything! Except for the water bottle in the fridge and some Cheerios on the counter. She was in even worse shape than before. So we called the ambulance to get her to the hospital, even though she is one of the most stubborn and intimidating old ladies I've ever met! She told us to hang up the phone as we were calling, but we knew we had to do it. The paramedics came and rushed her to the hospital, even though she told them not to. She'll be there for a while. We stayed at her house and cleaned up the huge mess. Interesting night! We were wondering why the Spirit hadn't warned us to help her earlier, but we realized that it was a huge blessing in the long run, since she was so stubborn, she wasn't getting the help she needed, so the Lord provided a way. The hard way. lol.

We have been teaching our WONDERFUL investigator: an African-American lady, Nancy. She works at Ben and Jerry's and always gives us SO much ice cream! Anyway, she is so close to the Lord, and knows that what we are teaching is truth. We are currently shooting for June 24th as her baptismal date! I love assisting people in coming closer to our Savior and entering in at the gate to the strait and narrow path, which leads to eternal life. There is no greater work! No greater call. As our mission president says, "God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called."

Love you so much!!!!! Let me know how life is going with you! I feel isolated from your letters! lol :) LOVE YA

<3 Sister Rochelle Frogget

PS: Another wonderful quote: "The only limits that we have are the ones we set on ourselves."

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