Monday, February 21, 2011

Hot chocolate on a snowy day

How are all of you doing?? Is it getting warmer over there? We just got some snow this week. It was funny because one day I was in short sleeves, and the next I was wearing a coat, scarf, and boots. Utah weather is so bi-polar! (so is Nevada weather lol)

Well, last Tuesday, Sister Woo and I were in a contact, and I saw some Spanish people in the distance. I could tell they wanted to talk to someone, but no Spanish sisters were around. That day I really didn't feel like speaking Spanish. It takes a lot of energy on my part, and I just didn't feel like doing it! So we started heading out of the building to go to the Tabernacle. (I know- it's terrible that I avoided them. I let my fear get the best of me). But God knew better, and He knew I could do it. So one of the sisters chased me down as I was walking out the door and asked if I could take a Spanish tour. I hesitantly said yes. Thank goodness I did! It was an amazing tour, with an amazing family from Peru! I don't know why I let fear take over. The mother of the family is a member of the church. But her children are not- including her son, Luis, who is currently 17 years old, and living on his own in Arizona. He is catholic and interestingly enough hasn't heard much about the church. We could see the light in his eyes as we walked temple grounds and told him about the restoration of the gospel. He felt it. He knew it. And he wanted to learn more. The mother of course allowed us to send missionaries to his home, as well as her own home for her 2 daughters to get baptized. Luis is now our new investigator over the phone, and we've been having some good lessons with him!

I took another Spanish tour with two ladies that were mission companions many years ago in Ecuador. They were amazing examples for me. We showed them the presentation called God's plan for his family, and they loved it. They ended up giving us 14 people from Ecuador to call!!!! Wow, I now have a lot of work to do in the Referral Center! (considering there are about 60 people on my list now... mostly Spanish! Wish me luck!)

Planning miracle (yet another one lol)! We planned to find 2 men by the South visitors center, take them to the Tabernacle, and then the Conference Center. Sure enough, we found them and took them to the exact places! What's funny is that we didn't even realize it had happened until hours later! These men were on business- SUCH nice guys! We were able to just be ourselves and show our love for the gospel, and they could see it. And as always, the Conference Center is just so powerful! You look at that huge auditorium and can't help but think, "The gospel is so true!" :)

Just a couple days ago, I saw 2 young guys (about my age) talking with a senior couple who serve here on Temple Square. The guys looked like members! Well, a few hours later, I met them in the other visitors center and came to find out that they weren't! They came in looking very lost. I asked if I could help, and they said that they were so confused because the couple they had just talked to had explained all kinds of deep doctrine (like the 3 kingdoms of glory, etc), and they had no clue what was going on. I kinda laughed and tried to start at the basics. They were such awesome guys- Tyrel and Brad, from Alberta Canada. We ended up talking for quite some time about the basic principles of the gospel, including the Book of Mormon. Tyrel has a lot of LDS friends who are serving missions, and he asked me, "Why do you do it? What makes you want to be on a mission? You know you're not getting paid, right?" (lol). I was able to testify from my heart the reason why I'm here on a mission. I expressed my love for the work and for the gospel. I assured him that he could feel a sense of peace, direction, and true happiness from it. They both ended up realizing that they wanted a Book of Mormon for themselves. I read Moroni's promise to them and assured them they could feel that it truly is the word of God if they prayed in faith. They promised me they'd do it. I just love people! And the gospel! I'm so glad to be out here proclaiming the truth to those who haven't heard it!!!

Instead of having companionship study on Saturday, we all gathered together as a zone to have "zone study." It was incredible. We sat together in a conference room and talked about why each one of us decided to serve a mission. Some of these sisters have incredible stories, and have been through so much before they came. I admire so many who have made huge sacrifices to be here, and to serve the Lord. Pretty soon I realized that I needed to share my story. I have wanted to serve a mission ever since I was in primary, singing, "I hope they call me on a mission." It's just something I've planned for my whole life almost. I remember when I was 10 or 11, the Reno Temple was just starting to be built. As they were constructing the foundation of the temple, each primary child in the area was given a rock. On our rocks, we each wrote two promises to God. I remember the promises that I made with my Heavenly Father: "1. I will go on a mission. 2. I will get married in the temple." That rock now lays in the foundation of the Reno Nevada Temple. The journey from that day in primary to this point was a little rockier than I had anticipated (those of you who know me well know exactly what I'm talking about), but I knew this is what I needed to do. And now I am here, serving God as a representative of Jesus Christ, just as I had promised. Think of the promises you might have made in the premortal life- when we were all in God's presence. What did you promise him? Are you accomplishing what you said you would? Are you living up to the divine potential within you?

Well, those are just a few of the highlights that I've witnessed here on Temple Square. Miracles happen hourly. I love it.
You are all my shining stars. I love you more than hot chocolate on a snowy day!! :)


Sister Rochelle Frogget

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