Hello my wonderful family! As you can see, P-day is on Fridays! I love you and miss you more than ever!!! I WAS SOOO HAPPY TO SEE YOU LAST SATURDAY!!! What a tender mercy from Above right?? I prayed, knowing that it probably wasn't the Lord's will to have us run into each other, and there you were the minute I got there!!! It was so great to be able to teach the little history that I knew and testify to you about eternal families. It was powerful and spiritual and I loved every moment of it!! Everyone was so jealous that I got to see my family on temple square. A lot of them met you apparently. They all told me they saw you. My former roommate Sister Hicks said that Dad is cute (not in a creepy way lol she just liked him) and that she had fun meeting you all :) Thank you for taking the time to visit. It was so uplifting and a great spiritual boost for me!! Anyway, after that we were able to contact some people and get a referral. My temporary companion told me all kinds of things to know about the square. It was very helpful, although I wish we had talked to more people! When the day was through we were all exhausted!! But totally stoked that we got a taste of our mission before actually leaving the MTC. I love the MTC with all my heart and I miss it, but this is my new home now!! How was your anniversary mom & dad? I hope you had a good time. And I'm glad you liked the card and pictures dad :) There's more for everyone when you get home! Enjoy! I just love you so much!!! :)
The rest of my time at the MTC consisted of the orthodontist's office, we packed and taught lessons and listened to general authorities. I enjoyed all the time where I could just sit and take it all in. Now it's my turn to do the teaching! Saying goodbye to the Elders in our zone was hard. They are such dear friends to us! I will miss them! they're going to indonesia and madagascar!! So they'll be there for a long time!
Well, Wednesday morning, we got up at 5am and left for SLC soon after that! (by the way, I definitely didn't pack too much! I probably packed the least out of all my roommates lol) Sister Denny and I were freaking out on the way there just because we were so excited to finally start this mission on Temple Square!! We got there and met President and Sister Holmes who are seriously SOOO amazing and so loving and sweet and funny!! They are incredible people and I'm looking forward to serving with them this next year! We got our new name tags (I now have the SLC temple on my tag and the American flag!! YAY It looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself haha) We had interviews with the president, his wife, and the assistants to the pres (APs) (so now they know that I speak some spanish- they said they'll probably use me for the spanish tours! Awesome!) We then all gathered in a room downstairs where a group of sisters were sitting who would be our future TRAINERS!!! Sister Denny and I looked at all the sisters in the group and tried to see if we got any vibes from one of them, or feelings about one that might be our trainer. I had a feeling about one sister from japan so I told sister Denny and then they started calling names out. They called me up first and then they called Sister Nakajima up who is now my first trainer and companion!!!! Everyone was clapping and cheering- it was kinda fun :) She is the one I had a feeling about!! Crazy! She is from Japan and she's been out for 13 months! she went to Everett, Washington on her outbound! She is incredible!! I have learned SO much from her already!! She's so cute! I won't be able to print pictures until next p-day so I'll attach them to this email. She actually told me that she looked at the list of new sisters coming in and had a feeling she'd be with Sister Frogget!! How amazing is that? The Lord truly has a hand in calling companions to be together. She and I had both been praying for a miracle companion, and our prayers have been answered! She's so hard-working and very close to the Spirit. It's only the 3rd day and she has done such a good job in training me and being patient with me. After we ate lunch together, we planned for the day and got to work on the square!! it was kinda scary because I had no idea what I was doing. My first contact was a young man who recently became active again in the church because of some sister missionaries. We talked for a while and he gave us a referral for his friend in CA. Luckily I wasn't scared at that point anymore- I was confident and happy to talk with him! I love talking to people! This is going to be an AWESOME mission for me :) We are in the "cover zone" which means that we don't have an assigned area- we just cover for sisters who have p-days or meetings or meal times. That's truly a blessing for me because we have been able to walk everywhere on the square and I have been learning a TON. My first tour (which was nothing like the tour we gave you last week) was with a family of Jewish people who were so kind and willing to listen to what we had to say. I didn't know any of the facts, so Sister Nakajima talked most of the time, but I was able to testify of those things, so it worked out just fine. I am getting a LOT better and it's only day 3! It's kind of a learn-as-you-go system, so I have been picking up on the facts and it has worked out great! We now talk equal amounts of time and the information just flows out of my mouth. The Lord has truly blessed me with the gift of remembrance and discernment and knowledge and testimony. I am even closer to the Spirit than before and it is incredible!
After being on the square for a while, the new sisters were all able to go to Walmart and get some groceries! So i now have food!! yay! I got to my apartment (which each has 4 sisters) and guess who I live with?!?! SISTER HARRIS and her new companion Sister Zalazar!! You remember Sister Harris right? AAaaaah I couldn't believe it when I saw her! She is the sweetest thing in the world and I love her to death! :) We were both amazed that we coincidentally met before I went into the MTC and now are living together for 6 weeks :) Happy day! I unpacked all my stuff and passed out after planning. Best sleep ever! Yesterday was my first FULL day as a temple square missionary. It was quite exhausting but totally worth it. Sister Nakajima (I'll call her Sister Naka for short) and I planned and prayed for miracles that day. As we planned out the tours, we prayed to meet a group of 4 people at West Gate and take them on a tour. We began walking toward west gate and before we could even get there, a group of 4 men walked up to us and said, "We would like to tour to the Assembly Hall, then the Tabernacle, and then over to the Christus. Could you do that for us?" I couldn't help but smile because that is exactly the tour we had planned to give to that exact group of people. Isn't that amazing!? The Lord brings people to us as we have the faith to see miracles happen. It's awesome! Things like that happened ALL day!! Sister Naka is so close to the spirit and she knew she would give a Japanese tour that day. Sure enough we did! I just followed along because i didn't understand anything, but they ended up wanting missionaries to come to their house! So that was awesome! We gave tour after tour after tour and contacted so many people! It's really busy around this time of the year! The president even cut our lunch hour and dinner our in half so we could work more and contact more people! We are a hard-working and diligent mission! It's exhausting like I said, but awesome! I go to sleep VERY quickly each night lol :) Anyway, I'll stop blabbering on... I hope you enjoyed the stories! I love being here. It's amazing. The spirit is so strong. I am so blessed. I miss you all so much!
Tell everyone at the reunion HI for me and that I love them! Tell them to write to me too!!! Anyway, I better get going! As you can see, I have more time to email now! YAY!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and think about you often!! You're the BEST!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Much love,